In the Middle


What a daunting word.  Expectations can motivate us to become what we are perhaps intended to be, or they can cast us into a heap of confusion.  A pile of question marks that challenge whether or not the desire to follow our own hearts is … well … right.
Personally speaking, I have come to that time in life where facebook profiles are plastered with pictures of those precious newborns.  And yes, they truly are quite precious.  Those little miracles just speak so vibrantly, without saying a word, of our Creator’s mastery of design and bestowal of joy.  I must admit, hearing such unique baby names is pretty neat as well.  At least unique to my class of Jessicas and Jennifers, Matthews and Michaels, Chris’ and Katies.  I’m not up there with the Bettys quite yet, but I think the lack of new arrivals named Jennifer is marking my age.
Goodness, I digress.  Expectations and babies.  Surprisingly there is a coherent thought behind all of this, and that is the expectation to have babies.  Now surely, I don’t mind when people ask us our “plan”.  Apparently being married three years is a short enough amount of time for people to respond with “Oh you have plenty of time”, but simultaneously presented with the inkling that perhaps three years is long enough to start thinking about a family.  It’s funny to me that if ever I don’t feel well, I have to clarify that it’s because I have a cold or a headache… not because I’m experiencing morning sickness.  My mother-in-law even asked me last Thanksgiving why I was drinking milk, and a friend inquired of a “Rockabye Baby” album on my kitchen table, that happened to be a shower gift for a pregnant friend of mine.  Again, not that I mind.  It’s entertaining, in a way, but I don’t mind.  Although I would be lying if I said the comments and inquiries weren’t messing with me.  Is this what’s inevitably next?  Just give in, Jennifer!  Settle down and make babies.  Everyone is waiting for it.
In the beautiful creation of man and woman, we were designed to make new life, and I truly do look forward to such a day.  God-willing, I will be given that miraculous privilege.  Meanwhile, I am elated for those friends that have brought new life into this world.  Although for now, I am left “in the middle” where people expect one thing of me and I … well, I long first for something very different.  
So when dreams contradict the expected, where does that leave your motivation?  Either you push harder in the opposite direction to oppose the idea of what others say you should become, or you continue pursuing who you are solely because you know that to give into expectation would be forfeiting the design for which you were created.  I believe the latter is the least selfish approach you can take.  For though it goes against the way of expectation, it speaks of your integrity to continue on in a plan far greater than yourself.


  1. And he’s been listening to the Beatles the last couple of nights. Love these albums especially the rendition of ‘Fat Bottomed Girls’ on the Queen cd.

  2. I always love when people let God write their stories despite what the world tells them is “expected” of them. When God leads the way, and not the world (despite loving friends/family’s truly good intentions), miraculous things happen. Doesn’t mean it will be rainbows and unicorns (God could do unicorns), but it will be blessed ALL the way!

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