The Sugg Family

This. Mama. There are few people who have the courage and stamina to enter into motherhood with a deep aptitude for patience and a trusting spirit.  Indeed when you find such a demeanor, know that you are in the presence of a gift.  Glean what insight you may and recall the joys that motherhood offers, even in the moments when you feel most at odds with that part of yourself.  To choose motherhood, even when the choice comes with a wariness that you least expected, is to choose selfless love in one of its highest forms.  A love we admire but scarcely make room for.  A love so deep, that it requires more than just merely coming to you on a daily basis.  No, instead, it requires you to give yourself even most warily to it time and time and time again.  When you choose motherhood, you choose what is closest to your Creator’s love for you.

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